Monday, 11 March 2013

A Little Retail Therapy

Hi All,

Took a little trip over to my local wargames show on Sunday morning. The WMMMS show held at Aldersley Leisure Centre Wolverhampton is a great little show that attracts about 50 traders and a load of demonstration and participation games. It was nice to meet toxicpixie from the SMP forum who was putting on a 10mm Indochina CWC game. Also met the guys from Stoke Wargames and will be spending Friday nights at their club premises in Longton.

Got a few bits, mainly bases and dice. The main reason for the trip was to try and get some hills for Crisis Point 2 - Arctic Strike and I picked up some nice pieces from Lancashire Games and Kallistra.

These are the hills from Kallistra, I will probably get some more of these as I like the escarpment detail along one side of each hill. 



1 comment:

  1. Hallo, just spotted this post whilst admiring the Crisis Point 2 piccies! Nice to see you, glad you liked the look of the French Indo-China game. It's a very different Vietnam to the American one, even if the end result is the same :D
